No. 250, 251, 252 / 1868,1869,1870 Village House    (Circa 1929-1932)

This was cataloged as a No. 250 in 1929 and 1930 and as a No. 1870 in 1931 and 1932. It was actually a Lionel No. 184. The example above has a red/black litho roof with a red painted chimney.


The example above and below has a green/black litho roof with a litho chimney. The number on the box is actually 1870 denoting a Lionel number, but can also be found with boxes marked 250.

Above and below is a No. 251 Village House from 1929 or 1930. The same house was cataloged as a No. 1869 in 1931 and 1932. It was actually a Lionel No. 189. We believe this example was sold in 1929 or 1930 due to the rubber stamp on the bottom, see picture below. The 1869 should have the white label on the bottom as does the 1868 pictured below.

Bottom of 251 Village house showing rubber stamping.

Cataloged in 1929 and 1930 as a No. 252 and in 1931 and 1932 as a No. 1868. It was actually a Lionel No. 191. We believe the two below are actually 1868s. One has the white label on the bottom, the other is actually stamped 1868. Note the differences in the chimneys.

Bottom of No. 1868 House showing white Irvington Label. Below is the bottom of another 1868 House that is rubber stamped.

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